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"To serve the autism community by providing information, coordinating support services, and facilitating communication for the benefit of those with Autism Spectrum Disorders from diagnosis through adulthood."


  1. Information Meetings & Trainings

  2. Young Adult Programming & Social Activities

  3. Monthly Support Meetings - with Guest  Speakers

  4. Referral to other Resources

  5. Holiday Party

  6. Summer Camp for Ages 3-22

  7. "Autism 101" Training

  8. Participation in Autism Conferences

  9. Provide Social Opportunities for those affected with ASD

  10. Safety Forces Training

  11. Raising Autism Awareness - Advocacy Public Policy and Legislative Issues


Mission Statement

We create connections, empowering everyone in the Autism community with the resources needed to live fully

Our Vision

The Autism Society of Greater Cleveland envisions individuals and families living with autism are able to maximize their quality of life, are treated with the highest level of dignity, and live in a society in which their talents and skills are appreciated and valued.

Autism Society Mission Areas

The development of five “core competencies” as a means to implement the Autism Society’s Mission and Vision is proposed in the Autism Society’s new strategic plan. Those areas include:



  • Proactively informing, influencing, guiding and developing public policy at the federal, state and local levels in collaboration with the greater disability community

  • Advocating for multi-disciplined approaches to autism research

  • Advocating for inclusion, participation and self-determination in all aspects of life for individuals on the autism spectrum and their families



  • Providing accessible and relevant information that supports stakeholder ability to make informed choices

  • Maintaining an authoritative body of autism information and knowledge

  • Supporting proactive community outreach and education



  • Encouraging and fostering a strong grassroots network that is an integral part of a larger community

  • Creating local connections



  • Building capacity within local communities for service delivery to individuals and their families



  • Translating research results into applied practice in everyday lives

  • Identifying and promoting research that will improve the lives of people with autism

       The Autism Society of Greater Cleveland     P.O Box 41066     Brecksville, OH 44141    (216) 556-4937 


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